
‘Pigs Can’t See the Sky’: Farmers Come to the Recuse as False Claim Goes Viral

Don't believe everything you see on the internet.

Is it harder for farm pigs to see the sky? Yes. Farm pigs typically have more neck fat making it difficult to look directly up at the sky. Is it impossible for farm pigs to see the sky? Far from it. Farm pigs can see the sky when they roll in the mud. They can also tilt their heads sideways to get a glimpse of what's above them.

It is true that wild boars have an easier time looking up, as they have less neck fat. But it is a total myth that pigs can't see the sky. That doesn't stop the internet from doing stupid things. When a TikTok video began spreading the misinformation, it caused people to start lifting their pigs to the sky like baby Simba in 'The Lion King.'


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