
People Are Giving Themselves Nightmares with a VR App That Fills Your House with Ghosts

You guys know you can play “fun” games, right?

When mixed-reality headsets came out, people had pretty high hopes for how much the technology could change gaming (and jacking off).

In the years since, however, these headsets haven’t been the industry-shakers that we may have expected. While the technology is cool, there’s too much of an investment of time, energy and money required, meaning that the average gamer is still more likely to sit on their computer than throw on a headset.

Still, people are designing games for these things — one of which being an app that seems designed to give you nightmares.

The game is called Hauntify, and it involves using the mixed reality tech to fill your house with ghosts and spirits. As one Reddit user put it, “After taking the headset off, your house is never the same again.”

To be clear, this is something you guys want?

Categories: Wtf
Tags: wow wow

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