
‘Pay Your Writers’: Students Heckle Warner Bros. Head During His Commencement Speech

It's no secret that young people aren't happy with the world these days. Between the rising costs of college and housing, it's no wonder graduating students are upset with a job market unsustainably stagnant in its compensation. 

So when Warner Bros. boss David Zaslav, a man worth $200 million, told graduating students at Boston University that they should "figure out how to get along with everyone," it didn't go over well. 

With Warner Brothers in the midst of a Writers Guild of America strike, it's pretty clear that Zaslav doesn't care about getting along with everyone. 

Facing a chant of "pay your writers," Zaslav was forced to stop giving a speech that sounds like it was written by someone outside of the guild. 

"He thought they were applauding him, and watching him crumble when he realized was perfect," @mollypriddy commented. 

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