
Lay’s Super Bowl Commercial Reunites Paul Rudd and Seth Rogen for Epic Bromance

Wholesome and weird. Just like we like it. Paul Rudd and Seth Rogen join forces once again in a commercial for Lay's which will air during this year's Super Bowl.

It's hard to argue that sometimes the commercials are the best part of the Super Bowl. At least if your favorite team isn't playing.

The comedy bros are here to help. They've obviously had an illustrious career, both individually and working together. Paul Rudd coming off of his most recent stint in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Ant-Man. With Seth Rogen starring in the latest Hulu series; 'Pam & Tommy'

There's no doubt the two still have comedic chemistry. Lest we forget their collective work on movies such as '40 Year Old Virgin', 'This is the End', and 'Knocked Up.'

In the commercial, the two take a trip down memory lane with a little help from Lay's chips (and Shania Twain.) And even though Seth gets married in the clip, it's safe to say this bromance is alive and well.

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