
Passenger Who Missed Her Flight Walks On the Tarmac to Stop the Plane

What would you do if you missed your flight? Get drunk at the airport bar? Book another? How about sneaking past security and walking out on the runway to flag the plane down? Oh, that's a bad idea? Someone should tell this woman then. 

A video shared to TikTok by @9newssydney, captioned "Tha's one way to walk the runway" depicts a woman doing just that, walking the runway so to speak and she tries to flag down the plane that began taking off without her onboard. 

The video was taken at Canberra Airport in Australia and according to many in the comments, "They make you walk on the tarmac at Canberra airport. Looks more like a misunderstanding than a security breach." 

Even with that being the case, it's pretty funny and we hope she was able to flag down another plane and catch a ride to wherever it was she was going. 


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