
High Fashion Fit Check is the Plot Twist of the Century

The man's name is Tommy Cash and his thing is wearing people on his back. The Estonian artist was spotted at Paris Fashion week rocking one of the most outlandish fits we've ever seen. When we say you aren't ready for this reveal, we are treading lightly.

Captured by the popular TikTok fit checker, @thepeoplegallery, Mr. Cash licks his lips before giving the camera a turn, showing off the weight of his undeniably unique fashion sense.

And we don't know how but the man behind @thepeoplegallery manages to keep it together, saying "oh wow, this is crazy" before quicking changing the subject. The two follow-up questions, "what's your favorite meal?" and "what's your zodiac sign?" feel unnecessary in the moment and instead, he should have asked, "how does she go to the bathroom?" or, "is she okay?"

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