
Parents Terrorize Kids With Grinch Christmas Prank

Thinking that they are just posing for a photo, these two young sisters are startled when they realize that they're not alone in the picture.

These parents decide to play a prank on their two daughters by setting them up on a couch around some Christmas trees, perfect for a beautiful Christmas photo shoot. Judging by the shutter sounds, they even went for an expensive camera to get the shots, and help convince the girls that there's definitely nothing more to the plan. Dressed in their best Christmas outfits, the girls seem happy to take the pictures, but just like Christmas, the Grinch approaching from behind has plans to steal the show.

Based on the reaction of the older sister, (who does nothing to help the younger), it's surprising the parents don't put an end to their prank immediately. What is it with adults and needlessly scaring kids for their own amusement?
Categories: Funny> Pranks

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