
Pakistani Chest Slap Boxing is the Next Great Slap-Based Sport

Every since Dana White's controversial 'Power Slap' competition began airing on TBS earlier this year, slap sports highlights have become a regular feature in many people's social media feeds. But now, the holy grail of slap competitions has arrived, and this time devastating brain injuries have been replaced with the satisfying thwack of full palms smacking well-developed tummies. Behold, Pakistani Slap Kabbadi.

Also known as Thappad Kabbadi, the rules are simple: slap each other until one person taps out, or a winner is decided. But unlike some other slap-based games, this sport is all about the movement, the spectacle, and the trash talk. 

"My brother and I fighting for the last of the frosted flakes," one viewer commented. 

The famous Ozzy Man Reviews YouTube channel even made a video commentating on a contest. He titled the sport "Slappy Slappy Fight Day," which seems as apt a name as any. 

But really, who cares about the rules? It's about time we made slap sports what they should really be about: a good old-fashioned thwacking of the tummy. 


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