
Olympic Athletes Are Saying ‘Screw It,’ Just Fixing the Beds Themselves

Olympic beds have a bigger problem than their lack of bangability. To put it succinctly, they suck. Athletes have reported difficulty sleeping on the beds, with some saying that the options between “medium” and “firm” offered by the beds are akin to asking if you’d rather sleep on a wood board or two wood boards.

So far, the Olympic Village’s reaction to this has been “Ha. Ha ha ha.” That’s why some athletes are just taking it upon themselves to fix the problem beds by buying mattress toppers or even ordering their own beds. Google Trends also shows that searches for “mattress topper” in France have gone up considerably since the Olympic Village started welcoming athletes.

At least I hear that the chocolate muffin in the village is good — unlike all the other food.

Categories: Ftw

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