
Shakira's First Encounter With a Camera Phone in Japan

Back in the early 2000s, camera phones were still very much a novelty and even major stars like Shakira had never seen one before.

It almost seems quaint today to see someone so thoroughly astounded by a flip phone camera that probably took some fairly potato-quality photo and video, but everything that is old was once new and the same applies for phones that could do anything other than their original function - calling someone. These days, we use our phones for pretty much everything from information to entertainment, navigating the world, and even navigating our love lives - honestly, most people my age use them for pretty much everything BUT calling someone!

It's interesting to see that the superstar's first instinct is to realize how the advent of such a technology might affect the paparazzi industry - the prospect of everyone and anyone being able to take a photo anytime was a terrifying concept once (and still kind of is tbh).

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