Elderly TikTok Is the One and Only Good Kind of TikTok
nootens Published 05/20/2020
This TikTok is different. Trust us.
Traditionally, elderly people and newfangled technologies don't mix. But this time an unwillingness to follow protocol makes for something unexpectedly good. Or at least no where nearly as annoying as 99.9% of all the other dance videos on TikTok.
This old couple may not even know what TikTok really is, which is precisely why they're so good at it. Ignorance is inspiration, not bliss.
But if you really despise people having fun so much that you can't stand this video, here's something a little more up your alley.
Traditionally, elderly people and newfangled technologies don't mix. But this time an unwillingness to follow protocol makes for something unexpectedly good. Or at least no where nearly as annoying as 99.9% of all the other dance videos on TikTok.
This old couple may not even know what TikTok really is, which is precisely why they're so good at it. Ignorance is inspiration, not bliss.
But if you really despise people having fun so much that you can't stand this video, here's something a little more up your alley.
Categories: Funny Funny Videos Funny music Funny Pop Culture Funny People & Lifestyle Wtf Facepalm Music Pop Culture People & Lifestyle