
Snowplow Causes 40-Vehicle Accident on Ohio Turnpike

Ohio slowly continues to transform into Florida's weird estranged cousin state. A snowplow truck caused an accident on the Ohio turnpike.

Imagine driving down the highway and you see a massive wave of snow, dirt, rocks and debris coming straight toward your vehicle. Well that nightmare scenario came to life for drivers in Ohio.

From cracked windshields, to broken mirrors, and everything in between. At least 40 vehicles were damaged as a snowplow truck driving in the opposite lane tossed waves of snow and rock into oncoming traffic. Cars, trucks, and even semis lined the side of the turnpike after being sprayed by snow.

In the video we even see one car narrowly miss colliding with the guard rail and driving into a ditch. 12 people were injured.

The driver of the truck was identified, and apparently placed on administrative leave. That also includes mandatory drug and alcohol testing.

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