
Officer Pulled Over For Going ‘80 in a 45’ Refuses to Comply, Flees Traffic Stop

Every single person who drives has seen a cop car speeding, running a red light, or cutting through traffic with their sirens on when it's pretty clear there's no emergency at hand. But one Orlando Florida PD officer got called on his BS when he was stopped by a Seminole County Sheriff’s deputy for going "80 in a 45." Unfortunately, it's pretty clear he didn't think the law applied to him.

"I'm going into work my man," the officer, Alexander Shaouni, said after getting pulled over. And when asked for his driver's license, his answer was a very simple "No" before driving off.

"They literally think they're above the law," @BrentLee1126 commented. "Could you even imagine what would happen if a regular person tried 'I'm going to work' as an excuse for going 40 over the speed limit and then just casually driving off?"

According to the Orlando Sentinel, Shaouni was relieved of duty and charged with speeding, reckless driving, fleeing a law enforcement officer, and resisting arrest. There is an investigation pending. 

As @black_foresst remarked, "I wanna bet that 2 years from now, the dude will just be in another district."


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