
NYPD Lt. Demoted After Receiving Lap Dance From Rookie During Holiday Party

Our week is off with a bang! We have a viral video of an NYPD lieutenant receiving a lap dance from the precinct's rookie cop of the year.

The man in the chair, Bronx 44th Precinct Lt. Nick McGarry, is seen getting a lap dance in the middle of their precinct's holiday party. Lieutenant, McGarry, who is reportedly a married man, surely pissed off more than just his wife because he has since been relocated to Transit.

So let this be a lesson to you this holiday season, don't accept a lap dance from one of your employees at the holiday party, unless of course, you're in that line of work.

An investigation into the party in question is ongoing but we assume McGarry is probably second-guessing his actions.
Categories: Facepalm

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