
Bulldozer Plows ‘Illegal’ Bikes in NYC

Some 100 ATVs, scooters, and bikes deemed 'illegal' were bulldozed today.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams waved a checkered flag to kick off the bulldozing of nearly 100 illegal and "dangerous" ATVs, scooters, and dirt bikes. Apparently all of these motorized vehicles were either stolen or not street legal by NYC standards. And yeah, if you put it that way it sounds pretty bad. But destroying thousands of dollars worth of equipment? I can't say that's what I would have done. But hey I'm not a mayor.

Instead of taking these bikes - most of which were in perfect running condition - and doing something helpful/productive. He literally made a show out of it. As cool as it is watching a bulldozer do its thing, I feel like this is a bit wasteful.

And it's not like this is deterring delivery drivers and commuters, from using these types of bikes.

I guess that's on me though, for assuming a politician had the people's best interests in mind. You live and you learn.

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