
NYC Dublin Portal Shut Down Due to "Inappropriate Behavior"

It was all fun and games until it wasn't. 

Last week we covered the portal and at the time we did nothing too crazy. The Irish had been mooning us Americans and calling us wankers. Us Americans were flipping them the bird and asking girls for their numbers. 

The portal was indented as a wholesome way for Dubliners and New Yorkers to connect with one another and while we did get to know each other, people decided to make the portal a place for crude interpretations of our two different cultures. Dubliners started mocking Americans with pictures of 9/11 and with porn screenshots. 

Eventually, someone in New York (I assume some IG model) flashed the portal in the middle of the afternoon and this morning the portal was shut down for good. No wonder why we can't have nice things. 


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