
Family Gets Massive SUV Stuck Inside a Redwood Tree

With an average height of around 300 feet tall, the giant sequoia is a staggeringly massive tree. So big that along the Avenue of the Giants in California, you can drive a car right underneath one. 

Called the Shrine Drive-Through Tree, this particular tree in its forest of redwoods has a gap of seven by seven feet for tourists to walk or drive through. Except not even that space was enough for a mammoth Nissan Armada SUV that proceeded to jam itself through, and get stuck

"They were expecting a burger at the drive-through," @Ragamuffine2 joked. 

While the driver was able to extract his car with just a few scratches, he couldn't escape the internet's judgment.

"I drove through this tree," @AriDrennen commented. "It was like…why are we doing this."

It's hard to imagine that anyone in that car was able to appreciate the size and beauty of the tree the same way they might have on their own two feet. Then again, that might require some effort. 


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