
Wild Cops Tail Armed Robbers Through a Public Park, Nail Them

In this wild clip we see Norwegian Police giving approximately zero f**ks when it comes to catching a pair of armed robbers on the loose.

A dramatic chase was captured last year when a pair of armed robbers thought to evade police by escaping through a public park on their moped -- only to learn that Norwegian police don't play around and were more than game to take the chase offroad.

According to police reports, neither of the thieves were seriously injured when police eventually caught up to them and rammed them with the patrol car, unseating them on an uncrowded, dirt footpath.

The chase was captured in the wake of a string of robberies in Oslo, last summer, which concluded with the armed robbery of a jeweler in which the thieves made off with over half a million dollars worth of luxury wristwatches.

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