
'Nope Nope Nope Nope': Giant Huntsman Spider Crashes Road Trip, Nearly Causes Accident

Australia is the most cursed place in the world. If it isn't a kangaroo trying to put your dog in a chokehold, it's a giant spider trying to kill you on a road trip. 

The video, which will keep you up a night is everything I fear most in life. Sitting shotgun in a car while a massive spider walks along the ceiling to the driver. 

If it were me, I would pull over as fast as possible and torch the entire thing, then call a cab and never talk about this day again. But that would be dramatic, and sometimes, dramatic is warranted, at least when you have a spider this sized terrorizing you while speeding down the highway. 

Honestly, pulling over might not even be the best course of action, open that door and jump out ladies, before it's too late. 

Categories: Wtf Wow

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