
Lady Gets the Bejesus Scared Out of Her by Random Dude

A random guy came strolling up the driveway, apparently to pick something up from the location, and inadvertently scared the ever-loving sh*t out of the lady who presumably lives there. He seems to be waiting for the two women to finish their conversation when she turns, takes one look at him, and unleashes a blood-curdling scream that sounds like it came from her bone marrow.

The clip, that's now doing the rounds online, cuts a tad early so we don't get to know the full story or how the conversation proceeded from there but it's certainly a tad awkward. I mean sure, the looks a little carrot top but this lady freaked out like he was Jason Voorhees standing there with a blood-soaked machete.

You have to wonder what the guy probably thought about. She meant no offense, of course, but to know that your appearance in some way contributed to the nightmarish fear of another human being is quite something.

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