
NHL Nepo Baby Pushes a Stranger's Wheelchair Down a Flight of Stairs

I guess when your daddy played professional hockey and is GM of the Flyers you're allowed to act like an ignorant buffoon.

Such was the case this past Saturday night when Carson Briere, son of former NHL player Daniel Briere, was caught on a bar security camera sitting down in - and then proceeding to toss a wheelchair down an entire set of stairs. Just a despicable display of high school bullshit-ery.

Allegedly the owner of the chair had to be carried down the flight in order to reach the bathrooms, leaving the chair at the top of the stairs. This is on both the bar for not having proper handicap accessibility, but also on Carson for acting like a total twat.

This isn't Carson's first incident. The Mercyhurst University student had already transferred from Arizona State after being dismissed from the squad for a 'violation of team rules.'

Clearly the nepo baby syndrome is getting the best of Carson. Hopefully the university takes swift action.

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