
News Investigating Murder May Have Accidentally Interviewed the Guy Who Did It

Don’t you hate it when that happens?

Back in October, a dead body was discovered wrapped in a tarp in the middle of a park in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Naturally, news crews soon populated the area, with some speaking to residents of a local apartment complex to see their reactions.

One of the people who was interviewed by the news went by the name of Konrad Lychwick. “It’s bizarre,” he told the news crew. “You wonder, ‘What’s going on?’”

Well, it turns out that Lychwick may have known exactly what was going on. “Konrad Lychwick” was actually a dude named Kevin Lychwick, and in his apartment, police claim they found “handwritten notes that they believe were a hit list.”

“There were six other ‘targets’ listed. Investigators also found plans that included ‘interrogation sites,’ ‘staging areas’ and ‘disposal of rotten meat.’ Police say the victim was considered a ‘target,’” writes Rebecca Klopf for TMJ4 — Klopf being the woman who interviewed him in the first place. Interesting day on the job for this reporter, I bet!

Categories: Facepalm News
Tags: murder wow funny

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