
New Zealand Radio Station Accidentally Plays Gay Sex Anthem

It used to be common to call into radio stations and dedicate a song to your special someone. Now, basically no one listens to radio unless they’ve forgotten to charge their phone, and if you want to woo someone with music, you’ve got to send them a Spotify playlist that doesn’t include all of your “scaring the hoes” music removed.

Still, some people love requesting songs on popular radio stations. In fact, someone called into Radio New Zealand and asked that the station play one of his favorites: “Good Looking” by Dixon Dallas. Unbelievably, they ended up playing the song, which contains lyrics like “He’s bouncing off my booty cheeks / I love the way he rides / I can hardly breathe when he’s pumping deep inside.”

Afterwards, the station apparently said, “That was a song called ‘Good Lookin’ by Dixon Dallas. And um, perhaps a good lesson for us to, uh, lyric check songs.” You think?


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