
New Viral TikTok Game Asks You to Tell Whether These Situations Happened to Trisha Paytas or Eric Cartman

After years of mass confusion, the TikTok zeitgeist has taken a stand, deciding once and for all where South Park’s Eric Cartman ends and notable YouTube troll/notable dog brain ponderer, Trisha Paytas begins.

“Welcome to a game I like to call Trisha Paytas or Eric Cartman, a game where I give you six scenarios and three of them happened to Eric Cartman on the hit TV show South Park and three of them happened to Trisha Paytas an internet personality,” TikToker @emofartbutt commenced her now-viral video.

The rest of the video is best described as comedy central fever dream, @emofartbutt asking us to decipher the true meaning behind boob job regret and bygone Christian rock eras – questions that may or may not be as straightforward as they seem.

Though we may finally have the answers to these long-running inquiries, one question remains: as TikToker @milkcarton_missingposter so aptly put it in their comment: “Is Cartman inspired by Trisha Paytas or is Trisha Paytas inspired by Cartman?”

The world may never know.
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