
New SpaceX Explosion Sends Shockwaves

The SpaceX booster rocket for its next-generation Starship spacecraft caught fire on Monday in Texas during a ground-test firing. The explosion was specific to the engine spin start test, consuming the rocket's base in a ball of flames and thick smoke and sending a shockwave rippling through Starbase. There were no reports of any injuries on location. 

"Yeah, actually not good. Team is assessing damage," Musk said on Twitter after the early evening explosion of the Super Heavy Booster 7 prototype, as seen in a livestream recorded by the website NASA Spaceflight.

Though a dramatic image, for sure, the fact that the rocket, it's supporting structures and the surrounding base itself seemingly withstood the massive explosion is undeniably impressive. During an inspection after the explosion, the body of the still-standing starship was deemed "okay" -- though it's unclear how this may effect SpaceX's timeline to deploy the Starship later this year.

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