
Need Good Luck? Try Putting a Catfish on Your Head

You might need to add a little cologne afterward, though.

Fish can be pretty gross. They can be slimy, slippery and stinky — all things that most people would rather not have in their hands or laid upon any other part of their body. Unfortunately for them, they’re also delicious, and so, humans have dealt with the stench in order to keep slurping down the occasional Filet-O-Fish.

In some parts of the world, however, fish hold more spiritual weight. For example, these people are choosing to put catfish on their head for… some reason. Look, I could only find one source explaining this and it’s not the most reliable, but it claims that this is a spiritual cleansing ritual.

If they say it works, I’m not knocking it, but it’s not something I’m going to be trying myself anytime soon.

Categories: Eww Animals & Nature

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