
Mysterious UFO Spotted Over China, But It Could Just Be Balloons

I really want to believe.

Earlier this week, a mysterious object was spotted hovering over Chengdu, China. Given how drone-pilled we’ve all been these past few weeks, it’s no surprise that, once images of the object came online, most people only had one thought on their minds: aliens.

After the video was shared to Reddit, there were a lot of comments making similar claims, that aliens had somehow deposited a craft into the skies of China and were, apparently, just letting it hang out up there.

However, others countered that this could simply be a mass of bear-shaped balloons, and looking a bit closer at them, I think the skeptics might be right.

Can’t the aliens just tell us what their craft looks like so we know what to look out for?

Tags: ufos wow drones wtf

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