
Mount Etna Erupts In Fiery Blast

She was gonna blow — and blow she did.

Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy, erupted for the second time in three months on Sunday night. Though it appears the volcano, one of the most active in Europe and the world, didn’t cause any significant damage to the Mediterranean locale, Mount Etna, which stands at 10,925 ft tall, left a massive cloud of ash — and some apocalyptic footage — in its wake.

As such, several flights from Catania–Fontanarossa Airport, which will remain closed until Monday evening, were canceled and delayed.

Mount Etna semi-regularly erupts, doing so at least once if not multiple times per year, according to BBC News.

Hey, anything to slow the influx of annoying-ass, water-chugging, AC-dependent American tourists in Europe this summer

Categories: Wow News

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