Motorcyclist Gets Dramatically Run Over By Car, Somehow Walks Away Just Fine

Thank goodness for helmets.

By Braden Bjella

Published 3 days ago in Ouch

Thank goodness for helmets.

Cyclists and car drivers are natural enemies. For some reason, people on motorcycles think that they can just weave in and out of traffic without consequences, even though there are plenty of videos of, well, consequences. Meanwhile, car drivers think they own the road, freely driving in cycling lanes and merging without signaling.

Like I said, natural enemies!

Both forms of transport have systems in place to make sure that, in case of an accident, you don’t just become a stain on the sidewalk. For cars, that’s airbags, crumple zones and the structure of the car. For motorcyclists, that’s helmets and, well, prayer, I guess.

But this motorcyclist should be thanking his lucky stars that he decided to wear a helmet this day. Otherwise, I don’t think he would have been standing up after this one.

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