
More Airport Delusion: Woman Throws Tantrum and Destroys Check-in Computers

What is it about flying that brings out the chaos in everyone?

Last week we covered the multi-part saga of a woman on an American Airlines flight accusing a fellow passenger of "not being real," with theories of a shapeshifter thrown about. Just a few days later, a different passenger on a flight to Glasgow was subdued trying to open an emergency exit door to escape his plane. 

Now, a woman at Mexico City Airport has been arrested for throwing a tantrum and breaking multiple computers at a Volaris Airlines check-in. 

“A passenger reacted violently when she was notified that she had to complete the purchase of her flight," Volaris said in a statement. "Apparently the lady had tried to make the payment with several credit cards without success, causing our fraud prevention system to issue a security alert."

According to @aviationbrk, "She destroyed four computers and four scanners which has prompted the airline to press charges against her."

Something tells me her antics didn't help her make her flight. 

Categories: Wtf Wow Karens

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