
Son Plays 'Robber Prank' On His Mom and Unleashes Her Great Motherly Powers

Plenty of TikTok pranksters have been getting their comeuppance recently. But when the young TikToker Jay McMillion decided to prank rob his mom, he got a whole different level of retaliation. 

Trying to surprise his mother as she stepped out of her car in their garage, Jay instead found himself spartan kicked him into some garbage bins. 

"Whachu doing here?" she yelled at him. "What part of that did you think was smart?"

Before she finished scolding, she pushed him hard into the garage door.

"Look like she just robbed you," one TikTok viewer commented. 

"Just because momma left the hood, don’t mean the hood left her," King DJ added. 

Jay Million makes most of his videos with his mother in the "pranks gone wrong" format. While this video is therefore most likely staged, her reaction and their commitment to the bit make it a convincing sketch. 

God forbid anyone actually tries to rob his mother, because it wouldn't end well for them. 

Categories: Wtf Wow Fail

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