
Samurai Isao Machii Slices Faster Than Lightning

Iaido is a modern Japanese martial art or sport. It is focused on smooth, controlled movements with a single sword. Isao Machii is the greatest champion of Laido currently alive, with numerous world records for katana speed and accuracy -- not least among them slicing a tennis ball moving at over 500 mph.

Equally impressive is the inexplicable nature of this video and the mystery behind why the presenter is, at one point, wearing two hats. As... wild... as the video itself is, the real star of the show is Machii himself and his stunning swordsmanship. Sure, you could make the argument that there's a big difference between a sword fight and target practice, but the absolutely brutal speed, hand-eye coordination and reaction time required to pull off anything close to what this dude accomplishes is certifiably insane.

So don't mess with the Machii, should you ever have the chance to run into him.
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