
MMA Instructor's Tips for Surviving a Chokehold Are Actually Useful

Not that you're planning to get locked up in a chokehold anytime soon, but if you are, these tips might just help you out.

This guy's suggestions are pretty in-depth, covering how to avoid getting stuck in a chokehold in the first place, and a couple key moves you can try to break out of it, even if the person choking you is way stronger.

The first tip is to keep your chin tucked in to prevent anyone from cutting off your windpipe. The other ones have to do with pulling, clawing, and scratching the person's arm away so you can breathe.

On the flip side, now that you know the kinds of tactics to look for, you'll be better prepared to choke someone yourself, should the moment arise.

In all seriousness though, don't choke people. It's not very chill.

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