
Minnie Mouse Filmed Taking a Smoke Break

Despite her reputation as Mickey Mouse’s cheery, flirty, and newly public domain-ed sweetheart, it seems Minnie Mouse is also sick and tired of our bulls—t — so much so that she, too, has found herself in need of a smoke break.

Last week, one performer donning the unofficial Disney costume on the streets of Las Vegas turned heads, cementing himself as Twitter’s latest relatable hero du jour after getting caught lighting up while dressed as the cartoon mouse.

“y'all pray for Minnie, she look like she's having a rough time right now,” they captioned the now-viral clip, depicting a man ripping a cig with his mask tilted up, his eyes filled with weary exasperation.

Though the world may never know why Minnie decided to reach for a pack in these trying times, one thing is certain — no one is getting sued. 


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