
Minivan Gets Destroyed By Debris From Elon's Blown-Up Spaceship

Space X's new rocket "Starship" was the most powerful rocket ever constructed. At least for about four minutes before it blew itself to smithereens just off the coast of Boca Chica Texas. Rocket launches are typically conducted in remote areas, like Space X's Boca Chica tracking station, so disasters like this one don't impact surrounding communities. Still, that didn't stop "Starship" debris from absolutely pelting an old Dodge Caravan minivan.

"Is that covered under your insurance?" one person commented. "I guess Elon owes them a car," someone else joked. "As is standard procedure, the pad, and surrounding area were cleared well in advance of the test," Space X wrote in a statement on their website. So what happened to this unfortunate car? 

"This car was parked purposely close to film the launch," one commenter revealed. "They did launch over the ocean but this occurred from launch debris coming from the launch pad." Still, the least Elon could do is give the photographers a new Tesla. 


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