
Mindy Kaling Interview on Conan Filled with Cringe 7 Years Later

Recently an interview with Conan resurfaced of Mindy Kaling talking about her TV show, 'The Mindy Project.'

When asked about being a writer and person of power on her own television show, Mindy states (jokingly at first) that there were times she did let the power go to her head.

One such occasion was with actor, Lee Pace. The actor made a cameo on an episode of the show in which he and Mindy were laying in bed for a scene. Mindy admits that even though it was unscripted, he was so handsome that in the moment she improvised a kiss. He wasn't aware it would be happening.

Looking back at the incident now, it's fairly problematic. Just imagine if it were a male writer/actor/producer who felt it was appropriate to improvise a kiss with an attractive female on HIS show.

The jokes continue throughout the interview, but watching this 7 years later it's got pretty bad optics. We've also included the scene in question (without the kiss.) What do you think?


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