
Millionaire Podcaster Unsurprisingly Has Terrible Taste in Art

Nothing says “success” like buying a painting of you talking to Tupac.

Patrick Bet-David is a multimillionaire who rose to prominence after starting a multi-level marketing company selling life insurance and financial services.

Somehow, it gets worse. Bet-David hosts a podcast that’s bafflingly titled Valuetainment, in which he, on paper, reveals the secrets you need to learn in order to be successful — but in reality, talks over his guests in order to peddle his absolutely incoherent worldview.

Given this, it should come as no surprise that his home decor is equally unhinged, and yet, this piece still boggles the mind. Commissioned by Bet-David himself, the painting shows the podcaster speaking with Lincoln, Kennedy, Einstein and, uh, Tupac and Senna. They’re also apparently debating Atlas Shrugged and the Communist Manifesto.

Like him or not, I think we can all agree that there’s better ways to use your money. Like burning it.

Categories: Facepalm Cringe

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