
'Might Be the Best Worst Outcome I’ve Ever Seen': Trapeze Artist Eats It and Brings the Whole Setup Down With Him In Spectacular Fall

While several trapeze artists have tried and failed at suspending tens of feet above the ground, few have managed to accomplish what this one performer managed to in a now-viral clip — falling so hard that the entire setup tumbled down with him.

In the video, which was shared by @TheWapplehouse on Monday, the tightrope walker can be seen attempting to jump onto the suspended cable, a feat that quickly goes horribly, horribly wrong after he manages to miss his target. Though he remained suspended upside down for a split second, the entire apparatus buckled under his weight, sending the performer — and the entire platform — plummeting to the ground, eliciting screams from those watching the stunt.

Though @TheWapplehouse may have captioned the failed stunt as “the best worst outcome I’ve ever seen,” we beg to differ — how the hell this man did not break every bone in his body is truly a circus miracle. 


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