
Middle Schooler Loses Humiliating Griddy-Off in Front of All the Girls

This middle schooler looses a griddy challenge to his friend, as judged by a group of girls, and likely experiences the most extreme embarrassment a boy his age can suffer. Ah, kids these days.

As what can only be described as today's version of the "see who can run faster," or general "anything you can do I can do better" wooing strategy historically employed by young men searching in the wrong place for the keys to women's hearts, this griddy-off illustrates the subjective hype-beast nature young men seemed destined to trend towards. Unfortunately for this young boy, losing the challenge means a big hit in his future aspirations to a-ok heel tap through the school hallway with an entourage behind him. Hopefully he can work through the embarrassment and realize there are other more important things he can excel at too.

It's ok kid, it will probably work out better for you in the long run.

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