Michael B. Jordan Calls Out Red Carpet Reporter Who Bullied Him in High School
zachnading Published 02/27/2023
Michael B. Jordan remembers everything. Steel trap, baby.
In a recent red carpet interview with podcaster Lore'l, Michael B. Jordan did not mince words. The two go all the way back to their school days at Chad Science Academy in Newark, NJ. Apparently Michael listens to her podcast because he came with receipts. "I'm the corny kid, right?" Jordan remarked. To which Lore'l immediately back-pedaled.
For reference in an early episode of her podcast, 'The Undressing Room' Lore'l goes as far as to state "We teased him all the damn time cuz his name was Michael Jordan. Like let's start there, and he was no Michael Jordan."
Lore'l continued, "He also would come to school with headshots - we would make fun of him like whatcha gonna do with your little stupid headshots." I think it's safe to say he's doing just fine with those stupid headshots.
'Creed III' is set to be released this March.
In a recent red carpet interview with podcaster Lore'l, Michael B. Jordan did not mince words. The two go all the way back to their school days at Chad Science Academy in Newark, NJ. Apparently Michael listens to her podcast because he came with receipts. "I'm the corny kid, right?" Jordan remarked. To which Lore'l immediately back-pedaled.
For reference in an early episode of her podcast, 'The Undressing Room' Lore'l goes as far as to state "We teased him all the damn time cuz his name was Michael Jordan. Like let's start there, and he was no Michael Jordan."
Lore'l continued, "He also would come to school with headshots - we would make fun of him like whatcha gonna do with your little stupid headshots." I think it's safe to say he's doing just fine with those stupid headshots.
'Creed III' is set to be released this March.
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