
Meteorologist Loses it After Green Screen Multiplies Her

This meteorologist Jennifer McDermed from Fox 9 is going viral for her hilarious reaction to the green screen going haywire behind her. Beginning the broadcast with a very typical demonstration of the weather around the Minnesota and northern Wisconsin area, the segment quickly falls off the rails when the green screen begins multiplying her.

Noticing the glitch, McDermed can't stop laughing, and begins to dance around the screen, clones of her second old self following her every movement. The scene looked like something out of a time focused science fiction movie, not a weather broadcast, but in the end McDermed was able to just about hold it together and finish the broadcast while the people behind the scenes sorted out the issue. Ultimately, McDermed killed it, and her reaction to the incident was both entertaining and professional, rolling with the punches, and delivering a unique and memorable forecast of the northern midwest weather.

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