
Meryl Streep Confused but Unoffended by Jonah Hill Calling Her a 'Goat'

The legendary actress had no idea he was referring to her as the 'Greatest of All Time.' She figured he just meant she's "an old goat," and was entirely unbothered by the seemingly unflattering comparison, which would've sent lesser stars into apoplectic fits of rage.

Hill and Streep are in the midst of a press tour for their upcoming Netflix film, 'Don't Look Up,' which features an absolutely star-studded cast including Jennifer Lawrence, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Chris Evans, Tyler Perry, Matthew Perry, Timothee Chalamet (because what ISN'T he in these days?), and Ariana Grande.
Here's Hill talking about the incident later with Jimmy Fallon:

And here's Jennifer Lawrence, who was the person to actually enlighten Streep on the true meaning of the acronym, providing further detail to Stephen Colbert:


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