
McDonalds Gives Guy Multi-Thousand Dollar Deposit Instead of His McMuffin, He Kindly Returns It

When Josiah went to McDonalds for a sausage McMuffin, he had no idea he'd be given a bag with about $5,000 in cash at the drive through instead. Faced with an existential crisis and no sausage McMuffin, Josiah decided to do the right thing and return the money to some relieved McDonalds employees.

Upon discovering the mistake, Josiah is faced with a decision. "You know how bad I want this money?" He asks. "Why put me in the situation?" Eventually he reluctantly decides to take the high road. "So now I have to return this because I'm a good person... I guess."

The McDonalds employees are elated to have their deposit money back, likely saving some of their jobs in the process. Josiah's kindness is rewarded with $200, free McDonald's for a month, and a big smile on his face. A subsequent TikTok does reveal that a different McDonalds shift was unaware of the promise, and forced him to pay for his food.

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