'Here's Your Coffee': Rude McDonald's Customer Gets a Cup of Joe to the Face

They say the customer is always right. Then again, whenever there's a fight between staff and a customer, it's usually the customer who's to blame. It's hard to tell who started this violent McDonald's food fight, but we're McLovin it. 

The clip is from a McDonald's in Sydney Australia, and the man was allegedly trying to steal french fries when employees fought back. The highlight of the food fight comes when one worker lands a direct hit with an iced coffee to the customer's face. 

"Great shot! That must have felt so good," angelabeck70 commented. 

Despite the cleanup needed after this scuffle, it is unfortunately nowhere near the biggest viral McDonald's melee. Last year, a man with an axe terrorized a New York McDonald's, and the "World's most dangerous McDonald's," famous for multiple brawls, recently closed in Ottowa.

Still, there's some poetic justice to getting hit with a coffee after harassing a McCafe. 

"He ordered a McFacial," one TikTok viewer quipped. "What’d he expect "?

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