
Mascots Obliterating Children on the Football Field Is Must-See Comedy

This video is really turning my day around.

With less than a week before the return of the NFL season, we thought it'd be appropriate to share this epic football compilation. "But who are these people playing?" you might ask. Well that would be the ultimate of exhibition matchups: The Mascots vs. Pop Warner Youth Football teams.

You got that right. Grown adults dressed up like animals and team monikers, absolutely trouncing kids half their age at tackle football. Why is this so funny? I have no idea. I promise you, we were not on any drugs or alcohol while watching this video (although that may help.)

I have no idea how long these games have been played, but my goodness. It's like David vs. Goliath out there. The mascots show zero mercy, as the kids try just about anything to hang on. Sort of like when I used to play my older brother at 'Madden'...ah, memories.

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