
Mark Hamill Works the Window at Jack in the Box after Previously Being Fired

You never forget your first job.

Talk about 'started from the bottom now we're here.' Mark Hamill did just that. One of his first ever jobs was working the drive thru window at the famous fast food spot, Jack in the Box. As the story goes, he would get bored over the intercom when taking orders so he would start using clown voices.

Apparently his boss didn't find it as amusing as Mark did, and he was ultimately fired from the job.

It makes sense that Hamill would go on to have an incredibly successful voice acting career (lest we forget he voiced the Joker in 'Batman: The Animated Series.) Not to mention the 'Star Wars' franchise.

But it looks as though Jack in the Box has had a change of heart. They were willing to let bygones be bygones, and got the superstar back in the window at least for a limited run.

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