
Man’s AliExpress Bug Repellent Ends Up Bringing in Every Mosquito on Earth

Many deals on AliExpress seem too good to be true.

For example, you might be experiencing a bug problem in your home. Rather than go to your local hardware store and pick up some kind of bug repellent, you could wander over to China’s favorite international marketplace to see what bug-murdering options they have that you can’t get in your locale.

This Russian man did just that — and it ended up having the exact opposite effect.

His rant, translated, goes like this: “My wife bought this piece of crap on AliExpress. It’s called an insect repellent — please, fucking hell, it’s bullshit. It’s written in English, ‘Don’t turn it on indoors.’ Fuck. Fucking hell. These are mosquitoes. Fucking hell. They’ve flown to us from all over the world. Why the fuck?”

Why the fuck indeed.


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