
Mandela Effect: Man From Alternate Universe Keeps 'Shazam' VHS Tape Locked in a Safe

This dude is full of sh*t. And for all you 'Shazam' truthers out there, you're literally thinking of 'Kazaam' starring Shaq.

First and foremost, the supposed cover of the VHS is an exact copy of the cover for 'Kazaam.' Hmmm, wonder how that happened? Second, even if this movie existed, it wouldn't be in pristine condition. Theoretically, the film would've been released at some point in the nineties. The safe in this video looks brand new, and the VHS case has no scratches or marks. Gimme a break.

The most damning evidence is when a commenter asked the man to play a clip from the video, he literally stole a sketch from College Humor and tried to play it off as a real clip from the film.


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