
Man Turns Rug Into Actual Flying Carpet

If you thought Aladdin’s flying carpet was impossible, well, think again.

This dude is certifiably insane. I say this because his whole deal is trying to fly on things that aren’t designed to fly. For example, he once tried base jumping with a raincoat. Another time, he opted to use a trash bag instead of a wingsuit. While he may have a parachute with him the whole time, no one in their right mind would actually try to do the sorts of things that he does.

Thank goodness he’s not in his right mind, I guess, because it gives us some pretty amazing videos. Recently, he set out in an attempt to base jump using only a carpet. Unbelievably, it worked, allowing him to glide for long enough to eventually make a landing via parachute.

Categories: Wow Sports

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