
Man Turns Hibachi Dinner Into BYOT (Bring Your Own Tortillas) Affair

The only thing better than BYOB? BYOT — a lesson one tortilla-toting man taught the world after bringing his own flatbread to a hibachi dinner.

While at first the chef, who appears to be cooking at Tokyo Wako in Long Beach, California, per the now-viral clip’s location tag, was visibly skeptical about the man’s request, shaking his head at the mere mention of tortillas, his disposition quickly changed after learning his customer had taken it upon himself to come equipped with his own carby arsenal.

After letting out a laugh alongside the rest of the table, the chef quickly recognized his patron’s culinary prowess, scooting aside his row of searing shrimp to clear space so the man could toast his four tortillas.

While it remains unclear what, exactly, this fusion-forward customer planned to incorporate his toasted tortillas into his Japanese dinner, one thing is certain — we will most definitely have what he’s having.


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